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Old 2004-01-29, 13:39   Link #15
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 44
Trying to keep at least somewhat in the spirit of the TV show:

1) Horseracing. It thinks it's a sport. And more irritatingly, other people think it's a sport too. You can be watching something that actually is a sport like athletics, and suddenly someone pops up and says "we're going to go to a horserace now". But it's not a sport. It's a glorified gambling event. In what other sport do you get betting odds prominently flashed up next to competitors at all times? In what other sport do they abandon it if the bookmakers are forced to close? And yet people still think it's a sport. Grrr.

2) Michael Grade. (TV executive). The person who cancelled Doctor Who. The person who then went on an interview on TV and lied about its ratings to a presenter who wasn't knowledgeable enough to correct him. The person who, over 15 years later, appeared on "Room 101" and put Doctor Who in, showing just what a professional fact-based decision it had been when he cancelled it. And could only give "it was made really cheaply" as a reason, something that was the fault of people like him, since it was, surprisingly, BBC management which decided the budget, not the production team. The person who hates science-fiction in general. The person who doesn't understand that imagination and invention that can often only be found outside of "real life" is the foundation of great television, and still gets put in charge of it.

I conclude by referring the reader to Chris Morris' subliminal comment in Brass Eye.

3) While we're on the subject of TV, "wallpaper television". Television is quite possibly the greatest medium for entertainment and information ever invented. So why does 99% of what is put on it have to be designed for nothing more than keeping its viewers semi-comatose?

4) The notion of smart dress. Who decided that wearing a vaguely snakelike piece of fabric hanging from your neck is smart? Who decided that jeans are scruffy? What gives people the right to decide what someone else's dress symbolises? Uncomfortable clothes don't signify "respect" or "seriousness" when I wear them, they signify "not me". People who try to tell other people what to wear (except when there's a good reason, like uniforms for employees dealing with customers) are evil.

5) Shoelaces. We've invented velcro. Why do we still have to fiddle with laces? Most inventions which make life easier we adopt, why did we have to ignore that one? It's stupid. I want velcro fastening shoes!
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