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Old 2007-03-06, 10:06   Link #210
Computer graphist
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Paris, France
Age: 41
They're both in the topic in his channel (#shinjipierre @ rizon): Script + tutorial (donno how long those links stay alive though).
well, yeah, i'll keep it on my website, it doesn't take that much abndwidth anyway

I would like to ask a question, although it may be little stupid. If I use the Clone tool in AFX, is it possible to extract the alpha channel (as on karaoke) and overlay it with avisynth on the original video? I'm asking this, because it would be nice to avoid cutting and merging videos.
Well, for that clone thing... I think you can put the paint with a different source... never did it.... the clone stamp in after effects sucks, isn't really usable...
Use combustion for that ^^

anyway, if the source thing doesn't work, maybe a difference filter (keying section) betweeen the original video and the rotoscoped one would do the trick.

I'm using shinji's import script. I can make a karaoke but how can I do transition effects. using his keyframe thing.
Well, my video tutorial should explain enough... If you know how to use after effects, that is... as dj said, you should try my different keyframe styles.
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