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Old 2007-05-06, 01:51   Link #19
~ I Do ~
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Originally Posted by Erio View Post
I hereby declare Kha as the Father of the Magic and Technology of MGLN thread.

lol Nice job, Kha.

Well, I was thinking... It was proved that BJs do not disappear inside an AMF. But I have the theory that the BJs are less effective inside the AMFs.

My theory is that, inside an AMF, waves of illogical magical strings (think of it as corrupted data) are combined with regular magical strings formed by spells corrupting the strings and thus disabling and nullifying said spells. If this is the case, then any magical barrier or shield imbued into the BJs are nullified as well. The BJs inside an AMF are but simple pieces of clothes.

(I hope that makes sense. Sorry )

Well, maybe Kha has some AMF report prepared for later posting.
It's all technobabble really. Another form of fanfiction I practice. Hahaha...

Your theory works fine so I'll just elaborate on the last bit there:

Disclaimer: I watched epi 5 closely using yesy for this one, so I might be getting some details wrong.

What I found was that even when nullified, the BJs still retain some of their defensive function, otherwise the above poster would've been completely owned and gone home in a squishy body bag from being crushed by the Drone. Instead I think the Gadget gave up and decided to toss him overboard for that uber Caro-boosted comeback.

This might suggest that while the magical component of the BJ has been disabled, the nanites might be still operating on emergency power derived from internally generated energy from the Linker Core since that's what they are always in direct contact with. It's rather limited compared to when running on mana, and so all of it is concentrated on keeping the mage alive, be it life support systems or moderate defences. My analogy is like how GSD Phase Shift armor-equpped mecha works when the power's cut; there's enough for life support and machinegun fire, but a light beam shot would just tear through it. That way, even in the worst circumstances at the very least the mage has a better chance of keeping his ass intact to fight another day.

That was the part I didn't quite agree, but I could be reading too much into the situation...

Originally Posted by Darco_emp View Post
Hmm, Its interesting to think AMF as noises, which is the current research topic I'm doing. It is different to my theory with regards to AMF and magic in Nanoha in genral but it could indeed work.

I belive we still need to get through at least the theory of AMF, and also the bases of colour assoicated with magic.
So far this is what I've noted regarding AMFs:

1. They can be nullified by a decoy layer of resistant magic a la Variable Shoot.
2. They can be nullified by another magical enchantment, opening up avenues for a M-jammer Canceller.
3. They seem to have no effect on a person's Linker Core

I still can't quite make much of it myself with those points though. Can we hear your theory too?

As for magic circle color, I guess its something in-born, like one's fingerprints, that affects the frequency of mana (I'm assuming its a unique form of EM here) output from one's Linker Core. The devices themselves have a mana distiller of sorts that draws mana from the environment such that it amplifies the Linker Core's effect (and so no Linker, value = 0 and amplification of 0 is still 0) and creates a more powerful version of the spell than when casting without a device. As spells are an expression of one's will, it might be that the Linker Core's color is expressed when casting spells even through a device, and hence the different colors result.

Last edited by Kha; 2007-05-06 at 02:05.
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