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Old 2007-05-07, 04:26   Link #216
Confused person
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Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Btw is his name really Zest?

Possibly. No mention, just a voiceless cameo and expressions and stuff.

Wasn't Mrs Nakajima blue haired instead of purple?

Why does that third point remind of Mai Otome?

Nod, nod, nod...

Oh well so far we aren't running on it.
Well the name we got is from megami scan in the image thread, it is actually Zesuto if am not wrong.

Mrs Nakajima might have purple hair but her photo and Ginga give out those similar vibe to Shinobu.

Lol,i dont even notice that similarity to Mai otome till you mention it.Ok now i know where i got that thinking earlier ^.^...You know what else could happen mysterious beautiful lady which is mother of one of the main character

What if they recycled the idea the colonel that Dr.Spagethi mentioned might be Genya trying to to revive his wife ala Precia just that he is doing it more secretly using someone else.Maybe he got the idea after looking through Fate's profile when she joined TSAB
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