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Old 2007-05-15, 00:51   Link #69
~ I Do ~
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: In the XV-8A Spartan "00"
Age: 38
*slams both fists on the table*

I see! The mystery is solved!

*slaps a backhand onto a piece of paper*

Notice how most of what we know of the Nanohaverse characters comes from the supporting media, like sound stages, novels and manga. As such we have come to trust them more than the anime, which is in contact with far more people, for information. As such, while the anime has given us inneudos, the supporting media have given us contradictions separated by a long distance of canon-time, and thus polarizing all debate for both sides have their moments of truth.

*folds arms up*

And what's happening is really human psychology. The mind looks for a pattern to make sense of what's going on, even when there's none. I am not saying I am totally neutral, but I can state this firmly...

*points dramatically*

All this is just hype! The truth is not out there! The only winner is Seven Arcs who are riding on all this!

*sits down*

That is all for now.

PS: I wonder what were the Hallaoun twins named? I only recall a mention that is a boy and a girl. Has there been an official statement on this? But if they are really adopted, and they are not related by blood, it would be the advent of the worst possible form of that moe...

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