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Old 2007-05-23, 14:43   Link #4
I see what you did there!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Age: 36
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Originally Posted by Ayanami9870 View Post
Feedback from v0.886 user:

"I've got 0.886 installed. It has the tiniest font known to man, and it can't be changed, so it's impossible to see what files are listed. It also uses 99% CPU constantly, for god knows what reason, since I wasn't hashing or downloading or even searching for anything. It also copies anything you want to "upload" into a special cache directory, which wastes twices the space. And it seems to lack trigger downloads."

I haven't used Perfect Dark myself, so that's what I'm going with. Personally, I'd keep Share for now until they make more improvements on Perfect Dark.

But does it really eat 99% CPU, or is it just that guy's system?
Yeah, the font is tiny... Hopefully it'll be changeable soon, but a temporary solution is to click on the file and look at the filename at the top of the screen.

As for being a resource hog, it does use a bit more than Winny and Share, but nowhere near 99%.
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