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Old 2007-06-05, 11:39   Link #57
Join Date: Aug 2006
Wat??!! No Mai!?? So wat, just cuz she was the last-standing hime in the first series (well, kinda anyway), she's getting the cold treatment, not only in Otome, but also Destiny??!! NOOOO!!!!!

Btw, it's probably just me, but I'm actually hoping that it'd turn into something like Higurashi... emo-wise and plot-wise... Give us (or the very least, me) something that ties all universes together!! And let Mai be alive and well...

Heck, if I were the director/author, I'd prolly put the story into something like: After the first series ended, the world changed, etc etc. And so the reason for Mai's lack of presence would prolly because she's running around trying to undo things (how about mai otome? how would i know... But gimme 3 episodes, and I could prolly come up with something cheesy enough to explain it all) ... cuz she's prolly the only one who's aware of the changing worlds. If Destiny could pull off something like Misaki Chronicles with Mai appearing and disappearing every now and then, at the very least, I'd be one happy fan.

See? It's cheesy enough to turn hell into one delicious toast, and cliched enough to replace its fiery, sulfuric pit, but... oh well... I just love cheese. I prolly wouldn't even have thought about something like this, if it weren't for Higurashi and Suzumiya Haruhi ("The world could very well have been created 3 years ago"). But hey, a man can dream... a.k.a, my 2 cents + a little rant.


P.s., Also slightly inspired by Tsubasa Chronicles. Which reminds me, can't they just do what CLAMPS is doing? Tie the universes together. Heck, let Mai be the Witch of Time if they want, as long as Mai appears in ALL titles that starts with 舞 and contains HiME. /^舞[\w\W]*?HiME[\w\W]*$/
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