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Old 2007-06-10, 01:47   Link #10
Thinking outside the box
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: May 2007
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 37
Well you have presentation. That's a plus... I don't have much time right now but I'll surely critique your work. One thing to keep in mind is you have vibrant colors on all your bg's except that you don't exploit them. A simple levels modification and you'll have a totally different look. Trust me, it will be for the better. The levels feature works with the low, mid and high tones of color so you'll have three scrubbers to play with. I'm sure by playing with it, you'll see what I'm talking about.
I never learned to make use of Levels. I mainly learn from Tutorials and haven't saw levels being used, so i never learned it either. Being honest the only time i used levels is to darken this avatar since it was quite bright. It was the first time i used levels. I usually make the background with brushes and than color it with Color Balance. Can you give a example which sig i made would profit the most of the use of Levels?

Or if you want i could upload the PSD somewhere and you can show me what you would do with Levels to give it a more vibrant look as i'm really clueless about the use of Levels beside darken and brighten stuff

I did played a bit with Levels on some sig just now. But the effect seems quite similar to Color Balance or am i doing something wrong?

I'll go look up some more info about levels in the mean time.

Originally Posted by black widow View Post
i like your work

u know your avi and sig could u make me on just like that but a boy and not a girl plz
If you could be more specific about there request i'll see what i can do.

Wow that was a lot of pretty cool stuff I hope I can learn brushes soon

Anyways gj and you deserve a cookie Hope to see more in the future
Thanks. When i started using brushes i was really impressed with the results myself . The saber sig is the first sig i made with use of Brushes.

Originally Posted by Daniel E. View Post
And Saber seems to be extremely popular among sig creators; A lot of people posting sigs here have made at least one of her at one point or another.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks and yea Saber has something that's charming about her. And i wouldn't know who else to make a sig of beside Saber and Rin from FS/N.

Thanks for comment guys/girls

Ps: i just found out sig limit is 500x120 if i want to put text under my sig.. Guess i been making sigs at wrong format. Luckily i never got caught with 450x130 and 1 line of text. Though i will start making sig at 420x120 or something around that format.

Currently watching: Aria the Origination & Dennou Coil
Sephi: Anime Icons | Signatures & Avatars | Renders

Last edited by Sephi; 2007-06-10 at 03:07.
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