Thread: Tokyopop
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Old 2003-12-06, 16:47   Link #40
Left! Right! Seven! Cake!
Join Date: Dec 2003

First off, I prefer untrans manga in general as long as it has furigana (face it, no matter how good a translation job, something will always be lost to language.)

But, sometimes it can be easier to find the English versions, so I have several of those as well. Here's what I think of Tokyopop:

The good: Price is reasonable compared to other translation companies. Availability and selection are high. Sound effects are left untranslated (they make more sense that way to me/most who can read them.). Unflipped.

The bad: A few of their works have been censored (though increasingly fewer). The frequent typographical and printing errors are irritating (most commonly doubled words, or eyecatch pages from the wrong series, sometimes and more seriously missing chapters, Wild Act 1 is missing gloss on back cover). Some names are poorly romanized ( In Clover, "Suu" becoming "Sue", confusing to people who know basic Japanese pronunciation). Early works such as Magic Knight Rayearth (first-print) were downright clumsy.

The ugly: The company has recently started publishing American-made "manga", mostly based off U.S. childrens' shows and movies, which is rather demeaning to manga fans (and authors!). I hope that this trend does not continue.

Titles currently published that I'd recommend:

Paradise Kiss
Marmalade Boy
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