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Old 2009-07-26, 09:10   Link #3392
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
Age: 36
Originally Posted by SaintessHeart View Post
Actually I was wondering if she was a secret agent for the conservative radical segment of AWARE in Singapore. Though most of my male friends say, "Women. Give them power, and they give you twice the trouble.", I agree at a mere 0.001%, truthfully saying.

Given how the AWARE saga and this fold out within a few months short, it only serves to make the fight for gender equality even harder, thanks to stupid people as such.

I digress, and my take on this opinion is pretty pragmatic. She is supposed to be there to teach, not to air some stupid view on homosexuality. Our differences is only our perceptions, otherwise, we are all humans. Gays, lesbians, bisexual, why should we even bloody care about their gender inclination as long as they show tolerance for others?

If she is anymore intelligent, she would have added a disclaimer, "This is just my point of view, feel free to debate it."

Besides, love isn't just about procreation. Mass procreate at some laboratory (IVF with artificial wombs) if you stand on "God's side". Screw the natural order of things.

P.S Yes, I am a staunch supporter of Mugivision. And no, I am not crazy.
Bloody hell. I'd send her the complete works of Oyuki Konno. Guess who's that and why. First one gets rep.
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