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Old 2012-09-16, 22:11   Link #227
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Join Date: May 2012
Originally Posted by Bern-san View Post
So they ended up with the normal ending, then why Liberta and Nova had so much screen time compared to the other bishonen?
I feared that they were going to make her lose the Duello with Liberta wining instead.

I've already complained about how unhappy this adaptation made me, but would like some sort of OVAs with the fandisk plot (and some Felicita x Ash)
The normal route has barely any action and romance in the game, so I think the studio gives Liberta and Nova so much screen time compared to other male characters to give this anime adaptation at least some romance.

I think the studio could actually give other characters much screen time, it's just they choose Liberta and Nova for this adaptation. Not that it matters much since they adapting the normal route. Also, on the normal route only Felicita and Mondo battle is shown in the game.

I'm hoping they also animating the fandisk, either as Season 2 or OVAs.. It's much easier to merge character routes and seems to be easier to adapt into anime format. The fandisk also doesn't have a normal route which is full of "fillers" like this one.

Last edited by melina_putri; 2012-09-16 at 22:21.
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