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Old 2013-03-29, 15:29   Link #83
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Florida
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
I don't think that fanservice fans are gullible. However, they aren't necessarily interested in the same things that I am. And that's fine - They have a right to their interests, and I have a right to mine.
The part I was focusing on was more that this theoretical boardroom meeting had the fanservice fans drawn in "first", followed by the word "deeper", which seemed to be placing hierarchies into things. It implied that the fanservice fans are somehow shallower or something like that.

Going back to Sakurasou (and the very similar Toradora), it's this idea that the energetic characters like Misaki and Minori have their energetic personalities as some sort of veneer and their "real" selves aren't like that rubs me the wrong way. I'd love a series with a bit of drama where the mood maker is like that because they're like that. They can get conflict from other areas, but it speaks to some larger train of thought where the comedy/fanservice elements are there to provide a springboard for the drama, where I often view things the other way around - the drama is there to support the comedy and fanservice which I now realize in midsentence sounds like I'd be supporting your view. The point is that we're coming at the same idea from opposite angles.

To give another example of what I'm trying to say, many shows in the "Watched, Expected, Got" meme have K-ON! in the second box, and every time I see it there, it sends a message about K-ON! (and moe as a whole?) that the fandom is still trying to come to terms with.
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