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Old 2010-10-17, 21:47   Link #32
Traveler of Infinity
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Japan
Oh, here's something interesting I found. Here's an article about the unsolved mysteries, taken from the Japanese wikipedia page of Remember11, taken from various interviews with Takumi Nakazawa:

In the original version of the game, Director Takumi Nakazawa admitted, "Not all of the information is presented." His assessment was that it was an unfinished work, and that people, "Would have to resign themselves and accept the information they were given." The cause, apparently, was, "I was not happy with the ultimate result, but it was too late to change it." "The fact that the truth had to be hidden was inevitable from the beginning." Again, he stressed the importance of seeing all 33 endings (31 of them being bad endings) to gain as much information as possible. "I understand this is unreasonable.", and to compensate for this, announced that a timeline of the Infinity series would be included in the PSP limited edition version of the game, attached to the walkthrough in a pamphlet in said version.

Nakazawa said, "It's in order to get those who played the PS2 version (the first release of Remember11 was on the PS2) to complete the story." He prepared the PSP version not only for new players on the PSP, but for disgruntled fans who bought the PS2 version. After taking into consideration those players, Nakazawa decided that the best way to assist these players was in the form of a timeline. Furthermore, he took several members of the staff into consideration, several who had different opinions on what the real truth was.

I'm having trouble directly translating the rest, but it basically says that the PSP version will be fun both for people who want clarity on the situation, and for people who have different ideas on what the truth is.

That's it. As for this timeline, I took a look at it in Japanese, and I think it's the "Infinity series timeline" that is featured on kgptzac's website. However, it also contains spoilers on Never7, so I might take a look at this timeline after I finish Remember11. That is to say, someone who finished Remember11 could check it out for themselves, but they risk spoiling themselves on Never7.

Of course, I could simply post all the R11 relevant events once I've finished playing the game and see what comes up. And of course, get the Drama CDs and see what new light they have to offer.
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