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Old 2015-04-13, 08:37   Link #20
Some say I'm the Reverse
Join Date: Jul 2006
Arise's issue is that the premise is good in theory but falls apart in practice. The beginnings of Section 9. The failing is that the way the characters are reimagined doesn't sit well with me. I don't feel they've really delved as deep as they possibly could both character and story-wise.

It could very well be that they were trying to do to GITS the same thing that Casino Royale did for the James Bond franchise: try to introduce decently skilled but not fully developed versions of the characters who eventually grow into the roles we've become familiar with. But frankly it's...not quite doing that. At least not very well. I appreciate this version of Motoko is less experienced than the one we're familiar with from the movies and GITS:SAC, she's getting most of the character focus but not the rest. And I'm also not too happy with how most of the characters got dragged into each other in the first two ARISE OVAs. With the exception of Pazu--he's the one who I think was written in believably in the first OVA--Adding Batou and Togusa felt tacked on. Same in the 2nd ova, Ishikawa and Boma also felt forced.

Has anyone here watched or read Mardock Scramble? Same screenwriter: Tow Ubukata, who also wrote Heroic Age and Sokyuu No Fafner. I've always felt Ubukata was a hit or miss writer; To be honest I've only watched the Fafner TV series and thought there's bits of it that TV series that were good but also bits that were plain old awful, so it's more that his delivery is inconsistent. Is this a common thing with stuff he's worked on?
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