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Old 2012-02-25, 05:28   Link #833
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Canada
Bah, that costume will cover up her Jug... Jugs... Jugg...

Meh, Selvaria doesn't need a whole lot of armour to cover up her jugs... jug... ahem, her abilities.

If her people/race are strong enough to conquer all of Europa, and have a single Valkyria fight on PAR with all of Gallia's army+militia at the time of the 2nd Europan war. Then to the Valkyrian race, time passed means nothing. Not with a Valkyria's speed, strength, agility and will.

Personally, I think that Selvaria could lay waste to a current Abrams M1 tank if she wanted to. Why not, she impaled what would have been a WW2 Sherman tank, then proceeded to lift the whole tank off the ground with her physical strength, then flip it over and slam it onto another Sherman tank. *Again, not what the tanks were, only if they were American tanks, that's what they would have been*

Valkyria prove that no matter how much time passes, they are the superior race. Selvaria ended an entire battle against a battalion of WW2 era tanks, a platoon of soldiers and artillery with a single wide sweep of her Valkyrian sprial weapon. Again, I don't mind seeing Selvaria in current/modern wars, but again, I don't think that that would really change the way she fights. Why would she need armour?
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