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Old 2012-09-20, 02:10   Link #2860
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
Just finished my placement matches, went 7 and 3. Now 62 elo away, and I'm confident I'd get there by next week depending on my schedule (being sick put me behind in a lot of ways >_>).

Game 1 - Jungle Amumu
Team didn't lose their lane horribly. Won through Amumu ult and teamfighting.

Game 2 - Jungle Amumu
Lost this pretty bad due to team comp. Even when helping getting double kill at top, Ashe (yes TOP Ashe) couldn't do shit against Nidalee. Since I was so busy top, enemy jungle Xin camped bot and dragon was easy pickings for them. Realized by now that I need a champ that has good presence pre 6, as soloq even at 1300 needs them to be babysat most of the time. Thinking I'll go jungle Ali next time but...

Game 3 - Jungle Xin
Xin is sleeper OP in soloq I tell you. He's the next Alistair (which I wanted to play but got banned), but way more snowbally. Wasn't able to convert kill at top with my first gank, but set the enemy top and jungle far behind for me to snowball

Game 4 - Jungle Xin
Was snowballing bot lane until Graves DC. Put up a good fight, but was too far behind in farm when he reconnected

Game 5 - Jungle Xin
Wasn't even worth playing IMO. Cheese strat for the enemy with Twitch + Eve double stealth, but their lank of a frontline made them easy pickings even with Twitch being fed (our Ashe decided to always fight him in lane rather than farm ><)

Game 6 - Jungle Skarner
Wanted Xin, but enemy picked him. But I got good counter in Skarner, in that as long as I can survive early jungle phase I can make his life miserable by peeling him off my carries. Frozen Heart + permaslow made quick work of him

Game 7 - Jungle Xin
Enemy mid picked Zyra presumably because she has highest win ratio for AP mids. Since our mid was Viktor, I made sure to camp her lane. She finished something like 2/11, and dying at least half a dozen times to my ganks. Was a nonfactor, so I just stacked armor for the rest of their team

Game 8 - Support Taric
Our captain was stupid and first picked Malphite even though no one wanted him. Wouldn't give me jungle Malphite as he didn't want to play support, DESPITE needing advice on what to skills to max in what order. Lost us the game after getting caught in their jungle even when we told him to back off, because we were baiting baron. Frustrating to say the least, especially when we shut down the enemy Vayne liek 40cs to 130 by the 15 mins mark, but she finished 15/5.

Game 9 - Support Taric
Oh we were losing this so bad, as our mid got creamed and a jungle GP was outjungling our Mundo (go figure huh?). Lucky their ADC and mid DC, though they did reconnect and they were still ahead 7-2. I think internal squabble led their Sona to afk after losing a teamfight or something

Game 10 - Support Taric
Our Vlad so bad. Good thing we creamed bot, and our Ez carried us to victory.

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