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Old 2010-09-29, 00:28   Link #25
The Interstellar Medium
Join Date: May 2008
Location: [SWE]
Age: 34
I hadn't actually heard about COICA until now, unless it was under a different name. Good find.

Now, if only the EU wouldn't bend over all the time to the US, I'm guessing we will something similar here too soon...

Originally Posted by Tsuyoshi View Post
If it's simply a matter of money then they will. Because what Vexx is pointing out is that he, among many other millions of people, I'm sure, went out to buy something he would otherwise never buy because of fansub groups that are considered illegal. What the institutions fail to realize is that these fansub groups are, perhaps unwittingly giving them unprecedented attention and coverage. I'm not saying their concern that "if it's available for free, people won't bother to buy it anymore" is illegitimate, but they're also not considering they're getting a lot more exposure to the outside world than they were before. This is what I'm talking about when I say the internet is the only remaining cheapest and liberal source of information. Take that away from us, and they're taking something away from themselves as well. But I'm more of the opinion that they have other motives and they don't want people to find certain information about companies and the ones who're really controlling them and people in government power.
While money is one of their primary reasons, the other things you are mentioning are also reasons indeed.

The Internet has made the traditional media companies to lose control over their market and people can get culture from everywhere, just not from them. This is really scary for them, and also the government in the same way. Free information that can't be controlled is a huge danger to the powers behind a nation and thus they can't keep the population "under their influence".

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