Thread: Bartender
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Old 2006-11-10, 07:03   Link #133
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
Delightful, episode 2. Delightful, and brought me near to tears too.

Sorrow-K, I think this is a winner. The abstract way of story-telling only enhances its... flavour.. so to speak. It's touching; it's intellectual -- Ryuu's guesswork, and the revelation at the end that what was important wasnt really the exact drink, but the feelings it was staked on -- and with this episode, it became insightful too:

Bringing across this story in such a way without making it seem an overdone Father-son plot, and later, the Grandfather's reason for change of heart revealed; tho best of all: Ryuu's realization about old-drinks at the end.

The scene that most stuck with me was the figure of an old man silhouetted, raising a glass to an empty seat, with tears flowing from his eyes. It brings tears to one's eyes. Then again, I always had a weak spot for Father-Son relationships.

The epilogue perfectly summed up the whole episode by going back to what it started off with in the beginning: Bars having no menus. This is a beauty, indeed. Its honestly rare that an episode leaves me with a smile like that, the smile I’m wearing as I write this. Heart-warming indeed. A beauty.

I wish I could have a Kaku.
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