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Old 2008-03-07, 18:55   Link #88
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
After a few viewings.. I give this ep a "10" ... reasons why later.

Later Edit:
in one epsiode we get what is basically Lawrence proclaiming his love for her, a wonderful series of vignettes of them chatting, holding hands, her concern so obvious that it hurts.. .and then his desperate lash out that *really* tore the heartstrings.

I finally *get* what that last merchant was on about --- he had turned into a snooty "better than thou" Church-goer and basically turned Lawrence down because he had the temerity to obviously be in the company of a woman that was not his wife. O the horror.... but not unusual attitude for people of that time.

Poor Horo had no idea that such a thing was a problem (recalling her "so what, then say we're lovers" remark earlier).

A simply amazing amount of material for one episode though once again I'm quite certain 2 or 3 episodes of dialog were "lost in adaptation".

Any episode that has me giddy in the first part and my heart hurts in the second part probably executed its task well.

I admit to being completely baffled as to how either Horo or him can pull out of this nosedive.

Last edited by Vexx; 2008-03-07 at 20:22.
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