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Old 2013-01-25, 23:24   Link #83
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Originally Posted by Qilin View Post
Going by a mechanistic interpretation of human nature, I'd say that it's not entirely their fault that they've been reduced to that point. Society is the very mechanism by which human acquire their values and preconceptions. Humans are susceptible to those socializing influences that come to make up their entire character. While it's easy to say that humans have the free will to allow themselves to not be subjected by the system, they are limited to whatever are choices offered by their own upbringing and values.
I largely agree with this. And yes, it gets at the heart of the point I'm trying to convey to Dengar.

Some human beings may be special cases of people with an unusual aptitude for thinking outside their cultural and societal context (and even in those cases, there will tend to be at least some leanings or biases rooted in those cultural/societal contexts). But I don't think it's reasonable to hold your average human to that standard.


That said, on the entire whether Sybil is good or not argument, I'd say that it depends. If the priority is a stable society that promotes general happiness, then I think it's pretty good. But if the priority is something like individual freedom and self-actualization then of course it would seem abhorrent.
I appreciate that you're trying to be even-handed and "not take sides" here. But that being said, I don't know how anybody can watch this episode and find the Sibyl system to be impressively stable.

As smart and competent as he is, Makishima is nonetheless just one man. And he's an outlaw at that (i.e. it's not like he's in a position of great political power or direct social influence; he's not a popular revolutionary or wealthy celebrity). And yet, just look at the extent of the chaos and social unrest that he's brought to the world of Pyscho-Pass. Makishima has demonstrated how terribly exploitable the Sibyl system is. He's done this time and time again, with each "demonstration" representing new heights of horror and social unrest.

And there's nothing Makishima's done that strikes me as particularly hard to swallow. He's not quite as "over the top" as The Joker is, imo. And it's not like these cops are incompetent idiots. Actually, Kougami's guile and wits has been very impressive to me.

I seriously question the stability of any society that fails so spectacularly at handling one man like Makishima, even when they have pretty good cops working for them.
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