Thread: Licensed Last Exile Discussion
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Old 2003-11-20, 20:11   Link #12
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: あんたの頭の中
Originally Posted by Sepiraph
Also it was never really explained how the Guild was so more technologically advanced than the others.
I think everyone (including the Guild) had actually degenerated over time - forgetting much that their ancestors knew. This isn't unexpected - high technology relies heavily on existing infrastructure to maintain itself and these were colonists who presumably left their home world behind. For example, say a group of people today were isolated on an island with no outside contact - even if they came well supplied and knew about such things, how many do you think could build a computer when the existing ones broke?

I think the Guild just hadn't degenerated as far as the rest. I could guess that they may have been decended from the techs or scientists of the original colony ship's crew, and over time horded their know-how to gain control over the others and keep them ignorant.

My question own question is were is the FIRST exile?
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