Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2012-08-24, 11:25   Link #23008
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Originally Posted by Shinso Tsukune View Post
Your right, I shouldn't have put the part where he would become a full vampire because something like that would require him to be a natural born vampire, but he does have a vampire form, however, he isn't a pure blooded vampire though. I would love to see Tsukune's full power when that time comes.

Something similar to Shinso vampires? Now thats what I'm curious about. Now that he is a modifed-human who has inherited the Shinso blood and it's title. The question is that when the time comes that he would become very similar to Shinso vampires, would he be superior? or inferior?

I can totally see Tsukune becoming totally OP.
I think that in the end, Tsukune is going to be superior compared to "regular" Shinso vampires - after all Inner Moka isn't considered as a being that shouldn't live, because it's a threat to the entire world, right

We don't know the reason, why Tohou Fuhai was so, let's say frightened by Tsukune's "new berserk" form, but we will probably learn that in the future chapters / arcs.

After all, I think that Tohou Fuhai's reactions wouldn't make a lot of sense, if Tsukune would actually become a being that is inferior to a regular Shinso vampire, right ?

One, thing I'm quite sure about is that Tsukune's existence is definitely going to cause some problems between the Youkai Academy and the entire vampire race, except for a few outcasts, that are currently the members of the Newspaper Club, since, personally I doubt that they would look fondly on a being that could easily overwhelm them, once he gains control over his powers.

At least that's what I think, is going to happen, once Tsukune's existence becomes more known in the youkai underworld, which is, most likely going to occur, as soon as the current arc is over, since I don't know how, an event of this magnitude, as what has occurred in the current arc, so far, could be kept hidden, from the vampire society, especially with Gyokuro being there - and, I believe that she will survive the events of the current arc, even if her current plans will fail.

After all, Ikeda wouldn't make a volume cover, with her on it, if she was only meant to be, a single arc villain.


No they haven't left the fortress at all. I think that you where the one who misunderstood something.

The only place that Gyokuro and Kahula where shown of leaving, has been, most likely some control room, where Gyokuro was monitoring what happens in the Floating Garden, using her vampire sensor ability.

At least that's what I think, after I once again looked at chapter 54, since the background of the pages, where Gyokuro and Kahula are being shown, doesn't look like an airship to me.
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