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Old 2011-08-24, 11:21   Link #13620
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Chile
Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Again, no official date, but We know that AC had Espers twenty years ago due to that incident with Sherry Cromwell, but we don't know how powerful they were... Probably just Level 1-2s.... And it might even be an early stage so this technology isn't revealed to the public yet.
Didn't Aiwass said underhandedly that Accelerator was the first ESPer to show up in the last 50 years that fulfills Aleister's expectations in Academy City?

Originally Posted by zaeraal View Post
Woah the fanfare is getting really amusing.

What are they talking about here? Do espers can develop further as they please?
There are things that limit espers since ESP is basically a knowledge that you improve through learning and training. I'm guessing that modifying her brain patterns to achieve different results with her ability was something that is referencing the Dark May Project; basically since esp is something that you use with "data that your brain produces" if you forcefully add better data or better parameters to produce data in your brain through the testament there is this chance of getting improved results. Of course since it's manipulating brainwaves and whatnot on this field, there are chances of everything ending up in a mess.

Even this part was rather interesting Wasn't this released way before the vol. 22, where was explained what Takitsubo can really do?
Plus isn't she trying to imply here, that Takitsubo is also a child error that went through those experiments?
What Rikou can do what already explained in vol 15. Also Rikou was part of an experiment for overloading abilities, that doesn't mean that it's "that" same experiment for child errors that ended up in disaster.
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