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Old 2013-01-14, 21:13   Link #72
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Massachusetts
Age: 34
I've long been a fan of using qualifiers such as "in my opinion" or "personally,..." while in an internet debate. I admit that I very rarely engage in debates over anime, but I've been in my fair share of other types of debates that interest me (religious, philosophical, etc). I find it to be fun and mentally stimulating to see what the other side has to say and if my point of view can continue to hold weight when I actively pit it against another way of looking at things. In order to continue to have an exchange of ideas and actually stick to the content of the discussion, I tend to think using phrases like "in my opinion" eases the tone of my post/comment/etc. I'm not trying to force them to think my way, I'm not proclaiming what I say to be fact, and I'm accepting of the reality that this is simply 'my viewpoint.'

Sure, the other party should be expected to understand that I am arguing from my own viewpoint, especially on a matter with no definitive answer. The problem is, we don't always understand the other party's objectives so clearly and this problem is compounded by the fact that we're on an internet forum with no body language, tone of voice, etc to help elaborate on the mindset of the debater. So perhaps, to them, if I come out and begin harshly disagreeing without ever qualifying that it is my opinion, they can interpret me as being proselytizing, or, at least, dismissive of their viewpoint. Maybe I'm not really, but who cares? It's just easier to avoid such misunderstandings and soften the tone a bit by reminding everyone I'm aware it's just my opinion. Further, I think when you maintain awareness of this fact, people are more inclined to share their ideas and why they see differently than you, rather than get caught up in the tone of your post.

In my experience, if I don't qualify things as being my opinion - even if it's redundant, even if it's unnecessary... it can detract from the actual discussion I'm trying to have because people become distracted by their misunderstandings of perceived combativeness on my part. They may still defend their opinion and present interesting replies, but it's then become a conflict of sorts and people hunker down into their viewpoints in a more rigid fashion, not willing to be open to new ideas and perhaps not as truthful about the intricacies of their viewpoint.

I find it rather silly to be opposed to using qualifying phrases as a 'matter of principle...' I think they definitely have some distinct advantages in an online debate and can stop people from taking things personally (whether or not they're right to do so is irrelevant, in the end) and instead allow the discussion at hand to come to the fore.
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