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Old 2012-09-20, 11:43   Link #2872
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 42
I once got 29-6-7 with Fiora in a normal. The thing is, people tend to build her glass cannon or Tiamat spam. That's...amusing...but detrimental to the team.

The build I did with her in my uber game was Mercury Treads, Wit's End, Bloodthirster, Infinity Edge, Frozen Mallet, Guardian Angel. Fiora then becomes a lifesteal tank with a slow but still possessing incredible damage. With her leaps and reflects, she becomes a beast in chases. And Blade Waltz is one of the coolest ultimates ever. Summoner spells were Exhaust and Ghost. Haven't played Fiora since, though. Finding games where she is the better matchup is hard...

I want to see Fiora used more. The problem is that at top lane, she's not that hard to counter. Pick something like Galio, Malphite, Teemo, Jayce, Jax, Yorick or the like and it becomes hard for her to keep up in creep kills. Versus Rengar, Gangplank, Darius, Nasus and maybe Irelia - she can do well.

I know thee feeling of getting on winning streaks then losing ones...This week I started with winning 8 out of 10 games. Then I lost 13 in a row....only one of them was my fault and in 5 of them I had darn good scores, but, feeders. Then got a few wins. Today I won 6 out of 9. Random is random. Some people just don't have a shred of common sense in them. Some of them are utterly clued in.

Curious, what combos do people like bot?

My faves are:

Miss Fortune + Amumu
Draven + Blitacrank
Any proper AD Carry + Sona

Ones I don't play but respect are:

Ezreal + Soraka
Graves + Taric
Corki + Leona

Can't find one that suits Lulu anymore.
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