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Old 2013-09-04, 00:07   Link #489
( ಠ_ಠ)
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
it's not really because of which is more expressive, although sure, that's a part of it.

It really comes down to volume and range.
Manga covers a vast, VAST range of readership demographics, that there's no reason to "out grow" it.

Anime on the other hand, the vast majority of demand is for younger audience, and hence, extremely focused to cater the specific demographics. Like I said in another thread, popular seinen manga tend to become live action drama series instead of animation, largely due to the catering of demographics.

Anime can be out grown, the older you become, the less number of titles to cater to your interest, but manga is completely on different level of content.
I mean like incomparably larger. There are ten thousand different tankoubon collected manga volumes published a year.
Over 300 manga magazines are in publication.
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