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Old 2013-05-15, 13:17   Link #28364
Not Enough Sleep
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: R'lyeh
Age: 48
ZALESKI, Ohio - A 91-year-old decorated World War II combat veteran is about to be evicted from a home he and his wife built and lived in for the last 54 years.
The elderly man's lawyer said John Potter's daughter and son-in-law used a power of attorney to sign Potter's home into their name, and a court ruled in their favor.
Fifty four years ago, John and Evelyn Potter built a Vinton County home together in the small village of Zaleski.
Potter said he has lived in the village all his 91 years, except for the years he served his country including a fierce battle against the Japanese on Attu in the Aleutian Islands. Now, after almost a century of struggling to make a life in Ohio, he said he is about to be forced out of his home.
"I laid awake at night trying to figure out what in the world I could have done to these people to make them so angry at me," said Potter.
He said the people he is referring to are his daughter and son-in-law, who he thought were looking out for him.
"In 2004, she signed his house, deeded his house to herself by power-of-attorney which in the state of Ohio is illegal," said Potter's granddaughter Jaclyn Fraley.
She took over as Potter's power of attorney in 2010 after she and her grandfather became aware of the deed transfer.
Shortly after the discovery, Fraley and her grandfather petitioned a Vinton County Court to get his home back. That court ruled in his favor, but his daughter appealed that ruling and the appeals court ruled that she legally owned the home.

isn't this a open and shut case of elder abuse? doesn't Ohio have elder abuse laws?
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