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Old 2011-11-18, 21:38   Link #73
Cross Game - I need more
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: I've moved around the American West. I've lived in Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Oklahoma
Age: 44
Some comments:

I was really heart broken by the Yuri scene. Like I thought, she really did have feelings for Tabuki. Is his story really done? I can't help but feel he's yet to play an important part in this story.

Sanetoshi reveals himself to be a manipulator- and a major goal is the destruction of the diary. I'm thinking it really is the penguin drum. Is he worried that Yuri will restore Momoka to life and that therefor she will be empowered to once again stop him?

I think that Kanba is the one true son. Which explains why he is the one with unshakable trust in his parents and why his parents have revealed themselves to him and not the others.

Himari being the outsider makes so much more sense then Kanba.

Masako and Kanba might be cousins, but I don't expect a closer relationship then that.

Shouma used magic to make Himari his sister.

Huh... does that mean that earlier scene with Himari and Triple H was an implanted memory? An altered one? It came after the magic fruit of fate?

Shouma has been the most normal of all the kids. The least involved in the mystical. Is he hiding it or has he forgotten his powers?

Where did Shouma come from? Is he part of the fate that parents tried to create that fateful day when Momoka died?

Why did he choose Himari? He's never shown any of the sexual attraction that Kanba has. And who are Momoka and Shouma, picking one child out of all the others to save? I'm not criticizing, I'm just wondering at the symbolism: "Chooser of the Living" Isn't taht what both Shouma and Momoka have been? Kanba is a destroyer, even his heroism is based in destruction. Shouma has been a healer and giver. Momoka seemed to be a healer but at the cost of herself being destroyed....

Trying to figure out the symbolism here. I'm even more intrigued by the story now.

Cross Game - A Story of Love, Life, Death - and Baseball. What more could you want?
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