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Old 2013-01-20, 10:33   Link #39777
That one guy
Join Date: Nov 2011
Chifuyu is walking out. Ichika thinks of something to make her stay. Say something, anything I guess. So he shouts the first thing that comes to his mind.


everyone is confused. But Chifuyu stops dead in her tracks.

"Golden Bear Beer. Yakiniku. Bathroom Karaoke."

Everyone is utterly trying to figure out what Ichika's saying, but FemIchika and Chfiuyu realize. Chifuyu more so. She stomps back and basically leans over Ichika in a sort of faux kiss position which involves having a hand on his throat and hissing how he knows her favorite type of underwear, favorite beer and accompanying meal. Also her little habit that FemIchika doesn't even know. She assumes he's a stalker. Ichika is choking but he tries to remember something, a personal memory he and his Chifuyu had. He takes a chance that maybe between his Chifuyu and this Chifuyu, not only likes and dislikes were similar but also a memory, just a little bit. Then something singular hits him, the memory of the siblings' first night after their parents abandoned them and how Chifuyu comforted him by singing a lullaby. And apparently this Chifuyu also did the same for femIchika then and even sang the same lullaby.
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