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Old 2009-09-07, 10:04   Link #166
Naifu Handler~
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Singapore
Ahhh, gave this episode a 6/10 for... my own personal reasons. Not that I hated it; in fact, I thought this was going to be one of the best series I was ever going to watch... at the start. Somehow, things started veering off a bit from what I expected.

My really short view on this Episode:

-Okay, so the whole orphanage thing was kinda new to me, no comment on that(?). Still, it's great to have a little information on Alicia's past =D

-Of course, like the previous point, Alicia's character really needs to be explored a bit more.

-Hunh. Welkin's starting to creep me out a little, what, with random fights occuring between him and Faldio, his behaviour around his teammates changing drastically from before, etc. And this wasn't noted just in this episode, but in other episodes back too.

-Now I'm really starting to hate the Squad members even more... since when was discrimination against races/different types of people a "whole-series cast" thing? Damon is contagious...

-"Desperate times calls for desperate measures" really shows and applies itself throughout episode 22, doesn't it? With Faldio's attempt of "waking the Valkyrur's powers" and of course, the Ramal flashback, he really asked for it! Straining the bond of friendship seems to be the main thing of the show now O.O

-We're being shown lesser and lesser of Welkin's absurdly intelligent mind... c'mon, needs more ingenious brainpower! xD

To conclude, this episode was... not what I'd expected it to be. Yeah, totally unexpected. Then again, it could turn into something better in the next episode, so I guess I'll be looking forward to that. More strategy-based fighting/war scenes would be nice and appropriate, now that they've got a Valkyrur in their midst (Let's just hope they don't blast through the series with sheer Valkyrur powers).
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