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Old 2008-03-30, 20:58   Link #18
Doughy goodness. I think.
Join Date: Mar 2008
Hoping we're not dead.

Anyway, BEFORE I POST IN THE FAN CREATIONS THREAD, I want to know if you think this story idea is interesting enough or not. It's an excerpt of what MIGHT be a full fanfic. I don't want to continue the work all for nothing.

It's basically a fic that's somewhat of a continuation of Haruhi. The main point is adding a new character and having him narrate the story instead of Kyon. This may sound corny, but the main character is supposed to be a persona of myself. Yeah, self-insertion fic. That's why I'm afraid of actually working on it and showing it off.

Constructive criticism. Let me know if it looks worthy.

Spoiler for Fic:
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