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Old 2008-10-27, 18:59   Link #109
Redbeard Has Blood Logia!
Join Date: Jul 2008
Blackbeard is the no1 villian of this storyline there is no doubt about it -for now-.We dont know what Oda can pull up in future..Only thing shadowing Blackbeard's villain status is Dragon for me.We dont even know if he is a villain or not, yet if he is...Blackbeard's arch-enemy seems like Shanks and he will probly have his last duel with him rather than Luffy.In a situation like this ı'd rather see classical father vs son theme and Shanks vs Blackbeard.There is also possibility of Shanks defeat at Blackbeards hands once again and letting Luffy defeat him as final boss , or even dragon assisting him.We can never guess it with Oda.

But to me, Blackbeard and his crew is this storylines Akatsuki and Espadas.Entire crew is an anti Strawhat like marvelB stated for Luffy/BB.Chopper vs Q as doctor battles, Auge vs Usopp for sniper and zoro/sanji/franky for Burgess for brutal melee battle...Not even sure what Lafitte can do right now but he looks like a nice counter of Brook so far.It would be so great to see both teams up into raftel having their own final battles as Strawhats vs BB crew.
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