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Old 2008-10-27, 23:31   Link #113
Absolute Haruhist!
Join Date: Mar 2006
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Fipskuul View Post
I don't think that is true. Haki looks more like strengthening the attack (or defense in Rayleigh's case) to overpower or balance the devil fruit ability, kind of like a rokushiki technique (and can be a reason why Luffy was able to keep up with Lucchi and the others, thanks to his haki, and maybe Rokushiki is the study of achieving haki powers without having it). That also means the haki you have does not automatically grant you the ability to surpass devil fruit ones. Just like a devil fruit ability, it should also have its own weaknesses, at the least, it may be much more limited in usage time compared to devil fruit. Even the case of having both does not have to make you invincible (Enel is like that, assuming mantra is considered a version of haki).
Haki is your will and determination, if your will allows it, you can do impossible things. Its like 'as long as you don't give up, you don't fall'.

When you harness your Haki you are using your sheer will to fight, turning you into an unstoppable force. It doesn't matter what your opponent is throwing at you, Devil Fruit abilities, Rokushiki etc., as long as you have the will to stop it, you will. Same as beating opponents, as long as you have to will to defeat him, you will.

When 2 people pit their Haki against each other, its a contest of wills, who ever has stronger will and determination, will defeat the other.

Rokushiki is just as the CP9 said, a training system and martial that gave them superhuman physique, its not really giving someone Haki. But yes, Luffy was able to defeat his extremely powerful opponent because of his Haki, his determination to stop Lucchi.
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