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Old 2011-09-15, 17:08   Link #121
ANEGO Worshiper
Join Date: Jun 2011
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Originally Posted by Adan View Post
Your arguments make no sense, the fact the other supernovas entered the New World way before Luffy and his crew was simply because they were more prepared and enough strong to survive, as Eustass pointed out. The only exception is Bonney, but I'm pretty sure she somehow managed herself to survive.

So no, the training was essential, or else the crew would have been annihilated as soon as they went through the other half of the Grandline. No matter you don't like it, if each one of these supernovas has an important role in the future, they won't be dead, and certainly this is what makes One Piece so different from other series, its consistency, and the fact very important characters don't die unless there's a purpose behind (namely Ace and Whitebeard).
It took both Kid and Law plus part of their crews to take down a Kumabot. The Strawhats accomplished with the complete crew.
I Highly...Highly doubt that the supernovas were much stronger than Luffy back when they met.
So yes, if they all suddenly show up all fine and dandy after spending two years in the New World (only Law didn't go immediately and Bonney was captured) then in my personal opinion it will diminish the whole purpose of the two year training.
I mean, if they can survive then why couldn't the Strawhats do the same without their training?

I think that atleast one of them made Shishibukai and I'm hoping that atleast ONE of them died/quit being a pirate.
How would that hinder consistency? They would serve their purpose by showing that the New World is no joke and going unprepared would lead to a hard time since atleast one of the famous Supernovas, recognized on par with the strawhats back at shabondy, couldn't cut it and had to leave/died.
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