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Old 2013-01-31, 14:31   Link #26085
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Massachusetts
Age: 34
Originally Posted by GundamFan0083 View Post
Yes sir, and teh Dems turn guns into the boogey man because like I told Vexx, the real cause of this is a lack of mental health care and the psychotropic drugs most of these shooters were on, or withdrawing from after use.

Why is no one talking about the drug use involved here?
These drugs are DANGEROUS and I am sick and tired of people brushing away this viewpoint so quickly. Maybe they should try being put on these ineffective, mind-altering medications themselves and see what it's like before they decide to quickly discard the notion that they aren't a part of the problem.

I was on Paxil myself when I was in my earlier teens from an anxiety problem I used to have (which I naturally outgrew, by the way, but that option certainly wasn't considered by the overeager crooks in my psychiatrist's office). It made me more anxious, got me into several incidences of violent behavior that never occurred before or after cessation of taking the drug, and threw me into a fit of depression when I had previously only had anxiety and was otherwise quite happy. Thankfully, I stopped taking them when my parents noticed these effects and I recovered completely, but some people aren't so lucky.

A friend of mine was recently married and has also always been a rather anxious person, and his wife was concerned so he was brought in to a psychiatrist, lo and behold he emerges from his 'therapy' with a prescription for an SSRI. After several months of what he calls a 'mindless haze' where he felt completely numbed out of reality on a more subtle and insidious level than any recreational drug, he made the decision to stop and experienced severe withdrawals for nearly two weeks consisting of 'electric shocks,' full body spasms like seizures, paranoia, and gut-wrenching anxiety about inane life events. Sure, my friend's and my experience are just that, our own experiences, but let's not forget the studies that have been conducted and have made definitive, proven links between these abhorrent pills and increased rates of violence and suicide.

Michael Moore's comment from "The Drugging of our Children" is perfect on the subject:

If there's any pocket of modern society that fills me with rage, it's the pharmaceutical industry. These people who have committed suicide while on these pills can't get their lives back. I see it as nothing short of manslaughter, but perhaps even worse given the evidence of cover-ups and the fact that these corporations make profit from the success of their 'medication.' You can spend a whole day reading about the bizarre and frightening reality for people who were put on these pills and then had to live with the horrible consequences of a negligent mental health system. I know I have. Phantom "electric shocks," people developing anxiety where they never had it before, unyielding suicidal ideation, bizarre and lucid behavior. Our mental health system is a JOKE and I can't help but scoff when people try to help someone dealing with a mental health issue by referring them to a 'professional' in that field... Unless they're of world-class caliber, chances are you'll be prescribed one of these dangerous, dangerous pills. This isn't even mentioning other, less harmful side effects like the sexual ones, or the birth defects for mothers taking SSRIs.

My deepest sympathy goes out to children and their parents who are duped by this worse-than-snake-oil money making scheme. That's not to mention my other extreme reservations about the pharmaceutical industry for drugs like statins that also have severe health consequences.

I got into a debate with my doctor about this subject - he used the word 'pharmaceutical revolution,' of the 80's, I told him he should stop being so damn naive and realize this was a product of deregulation and corporate greed, spewing out ineffective and sometimes outright dangerous medications for a whole host of different conditions in the name of profit. Of course there are plenty of medications with real, life-saving uses, but there's no denying the reality that there are also heaps of dangerous and useless medications that are prescribed like clockwork around the country every day of the year. Another one I especially despise is ADD medications being prescribed to children - methamphetamine derivatives being given to developing brains, but I digress...

Yeah, clearly I'm biased based on my own experiences and just my personal outlook/worldview, but people should really do their homework and read up on the subject. I think more people would begin to consider the real dangers these pharmaceuticals can represent if they would only take the time and look into it rather than conveniently overlooking the studies proving their danger. I really don't know why people are so quick to discard the idea that essentially experimental chemical compounds that were invented in a laboratory in the past 20-60 years that have mind altering effects, could be dangerous. We really are living in a pill-popping, medically naive culture.
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