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Old 2009-07-15, 14:51   Link #28
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Land of tha Heartless
Age: 35
Ed is my favorite FMA character, and it's quite rare for a main character to be my favorite. Usually, my favorite is for some issue of relation. As far as Ed goes, him and I have a LOT in common. The loud arrogance, the overprotectiveness of the younger brothers. And also, I was short for my entire life, until I turned about 17, which is consistent with Ed in Conqueror of Shambala. I also used to threaten with death people who would make jokes about my height.

Also, I think the English FMA is one of very few (if any, other than it) good dubs that I've seen, and I think a large part of it is down to Vic Mignona's portrayal of Ed. I don't know if anyone agrees to me, because usually, people are anti-all things dub (as I am, admittedly), but I think that Vic really did a very good job.
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