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Old 2012-10-09, 04:44   Link #6345
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: InterWebs
Ugh, I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't do this, but I figured to just give it a try. It's a question for my college paper.

Suppose 3 sets of data: g0,g1,g2. They represent measurements from the same positions, but from different heights (with irregular interval, h1-h0 =/= h2-h1). How do I derive a single gradient value using all 3 points simultaneously? That is, I'm not allowed to compute the gradient between g0 & g1, then g0 & g2, then averaging the two.

I'd appreciate it if someone can point me to a paper on some methods or applications. I'm currently exploring finite difference, but have yet to see how to make it work.
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