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Old 2004-11-11, 09:48   Link #39
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Mushroom County, Mario World
Age: 36
1. Male 17

2. Hell No

3. No, because although some people don't think so it hurts the people around you and around those. When the friend of a classmate of mine commited suicide the damily got affected, in addition everybody the guy knew at school was sad too so it really affect a lot of people.

4. No, But only because I found her in her bathroom when I was visiting her, mostly the reason why I detest suicide. Dialing the alarm number isn't as easy when you see a friend of yours bleeding because she slit her wrsit isn't easy I can tell you.

Damn this topic brings back, bad, memories.Plus it brings out the serious side ut in members, even Lexander has something serious to say (Didn't see that happening oftenly ).

Let me guess, School survey.
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