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Old 2010-06-22, 03:30   Link #237
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Australia
I don't think either are correct until we see the end.

For the time being I do agree with the disappearance equaling death due to the fact a person's consciousness is what truly defines who we are as it contains our persona's, memories and just so much more things. As they carry though into this 'next phase' if you will as part of this 'simulation' in school. Their consciousness still technically exists with them. Although Otanashi lost part of his memory, he still retained his personality and all that jazz.

Now disappearing is moving onto unknown. We don't know what this next phase is so this is why I can't say which it is yet. But assuming that is is reincarnation as another human, do you lose your consciousness that you had when carry over? I assume so, unless there is some other nature explained like a human soul for that fact. I can only assume death when you disappear because if you have another life, you will gain different memories, different experiences and therefore changes you differently. I think just that difference is a factor saying that if you become someone else, you aren't yourself. You've truly lost yourself forever. You aren't you anymore.

This was what Yuri was stressing this very episode and to me it's like death because you know you won't be the same. It feels like a fate worse than death because you want the way that you are when you move on but when taken into a new life, like a reset button you lose your memory, your personality and more. It's like completely resetting a game or computer. When you start up, you start over. It's like it died. I'm not saying it's equal but it's extremely similar. Yes you can recreate a path in game similar or exact you your original one and rebuild the computer exactly but with factors like time ever changing, you can never replicate another person's consciousness (The consciousness is very complex and replicating it would prove to be almost impossible, I'm saying this with the hope that technology cannot allow this in any time, because I am totally against this.)

That's my 'extremist view'... But until the last episode, my words aren't completely solid. That's my take.
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