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Old 2009-09-24, 22:11   Link #20033
Homo Ludens
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Canada
Age: 34
You guys need to pay more attention to my mindscrewier scenes.

I'll help a little. Jovi wanted to have a puppy and a crocodile as well as the kitty somewhere, but he couldn't find a place for it to fit.

Also, as for the flame patterns... it's not the color you should be concerned about.

Quick update on my current situation, for anyone who cares...

Currently posting from near Guelph... I'm not actually all that far from witty, considering. >_>

Anyway, today was spent watching an excellent rendition of a Shakespeare play... to be precise, it was Macbeth, but they turned it into Macbeth But Set in 1950s Africa and With Subtle Social Commentary.

It was awesome.

The climax involved the dual-wielding of machetes, decapitation by a fucking shovel, cleverly displayed Unfortunate Implications, and this Jimi Hendrix song.

They cast this guy as Macbeth, also.

...Why is this related?


Tsuji Shakespeare Divison presents



Spoiler for Dramatis Personae:

I really hope someone here has read/seen Macbeth. If not, background info and/or full text, if you're interested.

So. Good idea? Bad? Terrible? I already know it's a CRACK idea so you don't have to tell me that...
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