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Old 2010-02-22, 16:11   Link #1230
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Join Date: May 2004
Originally Posted by AmyElizzabeth View Post
That sounds kind of difficult...
I still don't quite understand it (I'm...slow) but thanks anyway.
Maybe someday I'll understand
So, is on two's bad or something?
I seem to have given a negative image to you. There's nothing to worry about. The movie is as fluid as OPs, which are mainly made on twos. The reason I said I didn't like on-twos animation is just my own personal problem. When I watch, for a long time, animation at which on-threes or on-fours should be enough but actually on-twos was used, I feel sick due to the fluidity.
Are you going to say "budget"? Wait! Is your point really related to budget? Isn't it time or style?
Simply put, production time is consistency, and budget is framerate.
Even poor animation is costlier than a high-quality still shot.
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