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Old 2012-09-12, 08:52   Link #200
Pleased to Meet You
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Philippines
This is for fun.

Name: Tenkai Inugami

Allegiance: Green Legion, Great Wall

Avatar: Gold Piston

Level: 7

Avatar Appearance: The O from Z Gundam but his arms are those from Big O and a human-like head with a faceplate.

Avatar Specials(Special Gauge MUST be full to be used):

*Drive Buster(4 shots; 2 for each arm)-Once the punch hits, the pistons move back, then rapidly push forward for added damage. Its power is enough to take 1/4 of HP if it hits. If used on stage, capable of collapsing a single floor.

*Block Buster(1 shot, 1 minute charge time)-Upgraded version of Drive Buster. It can bring HP to zero for average defense avatars to critical for high defense avatars if it hits. If used on stage, a city block size crater.

IS: Increased Movement via hovering(Speed: WW2 tank)

Strengths: Immunity to less conventional damage and high attack power at close range

Weakness: Mobility and range

Personality: Easy going most of the time but he is fiercely loyal to the Green Legion, Great Wall. High tactical expertise.

Background: He was survivor of a landslide that took away both his parents and his arms. He suffered depression but his friend, whose AW identity is Iron Pound, gave him the BB program. His inner wish was to be stronger so that his tragedy won't be repeated. Thus, Gold Piston was born. In his first match, he had great difficulty due to his avatar's mobility however he managed to win by using terrain damage. As a result, he had to use the terrain in all of his matches. He owed Iron Pound for this chance and gladly joined Green Legion. He rose through the ranks and is currently right below Green Grandee's lieutenants. During his rise, he learned IS for improving movement from Iron Pound. He is now among the Green Legion members who are camping outside of the ARG base to defeat Metatron. He is the tactical planner for the mission.
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