Thread: Licensed Freezing [Manga]
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Old 2011-09-28, 14:58   Link #1313
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Originally Posted by silverstri View Post
So i'm assuming the top5 pandoras would be - roxanne, chiffon, charles, julia and cassie? but i thought the strongest pandora is cassie since she inherit the most heroic stigmatas and highest compatibilty rate? sorry if got it wrong..gomen...
It's true that she has the highest compatibility with Kazuha's stigmas, but she has a very debilitating weakness: her heart wasn't in being a Pandora. She realized she was fulfilling her father's dream, rather than her own. And when she couldn't defeat Satellizer during their fight at Genetics East, she realized how much combat scared her. Those factors hampered her progress, and ultimately led to her downfall in the last Nova Clash.

But there is hope for her, when she talked with Satellizer after their fight, our heroine's word struck a chord with her. She realized she wasn't the only one who hadn't wanted to be a Pandora, either. And that unless she truly accepted herself, she'd never become strong. Once she was reunited with her Limiter, Kyouichi, she was elated, and vowed to live for him as a Pandora. How this all translates for her in the future, we'll soon find out.
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