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Old 2010-12-07, 21:58   Link #7
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Originally Posted by potchip View Post
The anime's been pretty faithful to the source material with a few exceptions,
Episode 8 is a pretty big exception.

...and the so called 'filler' are simply self-contained events in the LN. There's rarely an overarching plot in slice of life shows and I don't believe it is necessary either.
Just to be clear, most of the criticisms this anime has received focuses on character development, not plot development.

That being said, I think that slice of life shows sometimes have more plot to them than what they're given credit for, which as someone who very much likes overarching plots and find them beneficial, I think is great. For example, I found that K-On!! had a lot more plot than what some fans said it had (but that's a topic for another place and time, of course). As an aside, though, I have to wonder what you have against overarching plots? I personally find that they can aid a great deal in character development and providing good dramatic stories that help the viewer be more emotionally invested in the characters.

As it pertains to Ore no Imouto, I find that the various episode premises and plots for this anime have been pretty good, actually. Furthermore, there were two multi-episode plot arcs (for the first five episodes) that were very good. Truthfully, I get a sense that this anime does have an overarching plot. Or at the very least that's what I took from the first five episodes of this anime.

Whatever flaws are in the plot aspect of this anime is much more with failings in the execution of plot premises, and not in the plot premises themselves.

There's not a whole lot they can do with the number of episodes therefore it is natural that characters felt underdeveloped. But then again the 'developments' tend to be tid bits reader discover about characters.

To be honest the Kirino hate is amusing given the only difference between Kirino and Kuroneko is the latter has a more acceptable personality.
That's a pretty big difference, don't you think?

I mean, isn't it fairly common for people to prefer characters with more endearing personalities to those with less endearing personalities?

Yes, there are exceptions to this in works of fiction (a good villain being an obvious one, of course). But with Kirino being in the role of lead female protagonist and obvious star of the show (going by how Ore no Imouto is advertised and promoted, at least), I don't see where Kirino is such an exception. In other words, I don't get much sense that we the viewer aren't supposed to like her, or to view her in an antagonistic light.

Character development-wise Kirino has way more exposure (ep1-3, ep5-6, ep8) than Kuroneko (who was rather static since ep 2),
Actually, I felt that Episode 9 was a good start to fleshing out Kuroneko's character, and gave her some good character development. I was very pleased for this anime to show her when not in cosplay mode. We get to see behind Kuroneko's cosplay veil, which was a real treat. In sharp contrast, have we really gotten an opportunity to see behind Kirino's tsuntsun veil (presuming that it is a veil, as most of her fans seem to argue)?


... we don't even know what drives Kuroneko to be the way she is.
Do we know what drives Kirino to be the way she is? I mean, do we truly know that?

I guess many viewers just cannot seperate dislike of a character stereotype from the story telling.
No, many viewers just don't find Kirino's character to be appealing. Some of us feel that the story telling has not done a good job of making the way she treats her brother even understandable, let alone justified. I'd honestly settle for understandable at this point.
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