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Old 2008-12-17, 19:21   Link #21
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: at GNR, bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts
Age: 39
C.C is a part of every aspact of his life
but at the same time she isnt really a part of it
she is part of his "geass related" life (mao,V.V and the cult)
but she hides everything from him
she's a part of his life in ashford (in season 1)
but she is not in his group of friends
she is part of his ZERO life
but she has no position in the OOBK (she is there, but no one knows as what exactly)
and she always talks about how they are "partners in crime"
and yet she doesnt actually have ANYTHING to fight for of her own (till ZERO-R)

its hard to discribe their relationship in any real way when it comes down to it
aside from the word "partner" there is no other word that discribes what she is to him effectively
friend,mentor,follower,leader,lover,confidant,fami ly,enabler
she is in some way all of those things
but when trying to actually CALL HER any of those things is problematic
she doesnt belong in any of the groups he related to

its very hard to discribe in words what i am trying to say becouse i am actually not sure if even i understand it completely (so dont kill me please)
but i think that C,C was NOT an actual PART of his life (as in her presence cant be defined in what she IS to him)
in some cases she's his only support
and in some cases she's just an observer

i think thats why he couldnt actually name what she is when she almost died in 15as people we tend to define ourselves and others by the things that are part of our lives
we are students, soldiers, workers
we are CluClu,kalulu and so on
we are americans, british,etc
and all of these things combine to form our impression of "who i am"
and we think of other people in the same way
this is my friend,co-worker,schoolmate, boyfriend,girlfriend,etc
C.C belonging in EVERY ASPECT of his life and at the same time not actually being a part of any of them makes her hard to discribe as anything other then his equal partner

i think its also why none of his "frozen" flashbacks involved her despite the fact that she is probably the closest person to him in many ways
she is not a PART of his life in the same way that HE isnt

i hope i am actually making sense here (its 2 am)
its a theory i have had for a while now about their relationship
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