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Old 2007-08-13, 12:47   Link #85
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
All this, of course, does not change the fact that Makoto needs to die the most painful death possible for throwing aside Kotonoha like some used toy that he was not longer interested in.
A girl that looks gorgeous and is willing to adapt herself for her boyfriend, and Makoto throws her aside for a more willing slave partner despite being the one that started the relationship in the first place?
Wow that's pretty merciful. A painful death? Tsk tsk tsk. Such violence is unnecessary.

He needs to be literally isolated. All of the girls needs to move on and shun him. Or even better yet, "play" with him the way he's playing them. Force him to literally beg for them and then at the last moment reject it. (I still don't see what the girls see in him but then again, this isn't uncommon in the real world).

Psychological torture is superior to physical torture.

I mean, I have never seen such a horny kid like that before. His hormone levels must be off the charts.
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