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Old 2012-03-26, 15:37   Link #31
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
There's one thing that bothered me and forgot to mention. Mei said Mikami was the only assistant homeroom teacher in the whole school, and yet nobody ever found that weird, apparently. That and the fact she was the homeroom teacher two years ago should have made her incredibly suspicious. I mean, really, it was just a matter of putting two and two together there. Is Mei incredibly smart or is it Izumi -who supposedly investigated a lot- who is not as bright as I thought?

Originally Posted by Skyfall View Post
It does, doesn't it ? I recall you being just about the only other person also considering the Reiko = Another theory during the early days of the show, when most just dismissed it. All that hard work paid off! *brofist*

Originally Posted by Skyfall View Post
Hm, this one didn't really bother me personally. I guess I never really expected them to solve the mystery to start with - the phenomenon seemed kinda out of reach for the students, who were merely focused on finding the Another, and even that only during the final few eps. I'm not sure where they would even find clues on how to end it for good - that's information that doesn't really exist anywhere. I guess Chibiki can always opt to burn down the school though - considering that is the trigger place, I wouldn't be surprised if that's (or shutting the school down) the only way.

I guess it never really felt like the intangible phenomenon itself was on the chopping block, only the proxy through which it functions - the Another.
I personally thought they would attempt to put an end to the phenomenon up until the time they found out somebody else had managed to stop the calamity once. It's only then that I realized they were going to use the same method as him and save their butts and their alone.

When you think about it, there is an easy way to prevent more people from dying, at least for as long she lives: Mei. She's got a ghost radar so she can easily find the extra person and kill him. I kinda thought she would become a teacher in order to be able to fulfill that mission more easily, and that the series would end on a hot adult Mei -in a suit- entering class 3. She's got a great gift and has a responsibility to use it, in my opinion. She could save countless lives.
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