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Old 2009-07-30, 13:03   Link #119
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Endless Eight - The Interactive Game

This endless repeat is getting so dumb, I just had to delurk and post:

What if it's we, the fans, that are in the endless loop and that we have to do something to break out, not Kyon?

Like what if this is a puzzle where the fans have to combine all available knowledge of this show, from the original novels, to the TV episodes, YouTube episodes, etc., and come up with a solution to this hidden puzzle and post it at some website? KyoAni, monitoring all the fansites, see the solution was finally posted and only then break out of the loop?

Wouldn't we all think that such an unannounced interactive game between the series and the fans to be just brilliant?

Also, what would you think if the DVDs of Endless Eight episodes had a special DVD only episode which was yet another version of Endless Eight?

In the meantime, we're all going mad like Yuki watching this --- whither we like it or not.
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