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Old 2009-02-24, 00:36   Link #26
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Taiwan
Urgh, quote by quote arguments...

Originally Posted by Matt122005 View Post
Um, guess what. Newsflash, in case your not aware, teens dont like to read. And teachers, are even giving into Manga to get their teens to read. Heck, I met a teacher in barnes and noble who was buying manga cause she feared it was the only way to get her highschool teens to read anything at all.

Teachers and librarians however do not like manga (the majoirty that is), they want teens reading NOVELS.

And the "actual english novels teachers use", are not inspiring teens to read, in fact, the majority I speak with, HATE reading because of what they are reading in school. None of it appeals to them, and thus the books in schools are failing our teens horribly.

So which is better, for a teen to read a "class novel" that only makes them hate reading, or read a light novel which might actually help them discover that reading is FUN?
...You have my pity for getting stuck with either one bad English teacher after another, a school with a really bad English curriculum, or missing the point of the class entirely. Call me a nerd, but through those "class English novels", I actually grew to enjoy reading even more with better understanding of symbolism and story analysis, which, ironically, helped me enjoy reading light novels even more! (don't confuse this as me trying to get people to go out and read more though -_-;

Elementary schools are not my conscern. Elementary kids can read and learn to like it fine in school, the problem is when they become teens in highschool, they don't care about reading anymore. LIGHT NOVELS are the key to fixing this, as many of the stories are designed to appeal to teenagers.
Generally the main point I'm disagreeing with you on. As awesome as it sounds, I don't believe light novels are the solution to getting more teens to read.

Um, look, if you think the majority of american novels coming out are cutting edge, or are truly imaginitive and creative, and aren't just re-hashed cliche's, then fine, you can believe whatever you want. But the overwelming majority of americans agree, novels in america today are not worth their time reading. They are too long, and they are not anything usually but the same old stories told differenty. Over 50% of americans dont read a single book in a year!
Pretty big words, "overwhelming majority". Got facts to back that up? (don't say "all my classmates and friends agrees with me on this", and DEFINITELY don't say "well, if most Americans don't read, then our/their (depending on cultural standpoint) books must really suck")

And the very same argument can be thrown back at Japan too (unless this is some sort of "depreciate America's culture" to follow up with "...and that's why Japan's culture is better" argument, then I have no comment on that).

Basically, an EXTREMELY subjective argument.

Obviously, a reader who is a very active reader will be interested by Light Novels as simply "new fiction from overseas authors".
True, not going to argue you there.

Most people would love to be able to brag and sound like a smarty pants by saying "I read a novel a week. ^_^" to their friends, etc.

Light Novels offer the perfect solution to illiteracy in america by appealing to both teens and busy adults who can barely get through the first quarter of a normal size novel.

On another note, Light Novels are really on average about 50,000 words. So in essance, they arent for the most part THAT SHORT. We have novels today in america that have become HUGE successes that were only 50,000 words.

It's simply that with Light Novels, thats a selling point. Besides the fact that the stories are so different from the usual *cough* garbage *cough* that's put out in the majoirty of american bookstores these days. Not to say their arent a few good books every once and a blue moon.
Again, I'll agree with you as far as cultural exchanges go, but really, how many of those books you consider "garbage" have you actually picked up and read? Sure, their cover isn't as beautiful (again, highly subjective) as light novels, but hey, never judge a book by its cover

(in the case that you DO read all the books you consider garbage, then I apologize, and you can ignore that previous argument )

For goodness sake, you sound afraid. *laughs*

These are NOVELS, did ya forget that? I'm not saying to make manga or anime national, I'm simply introducing a new form of literature, which honestly isn't terribly new.

And why is it not good for people to read stories that take place in another country? There are many novels that take place in other far away countries that became such successes they had holywood movies made of them, like "The Kite Runner".

This isn't a "complete cultural immersion", sheesh. I am so glad you have no say in how light novels are marketed in america. <_<

Look, what so many people forget, is that reading is supposed to be FUN. The whole point of a novel is to ENJOY it. If the novels out are not doing that, then they have failed, and its time to introduce novels to the public that ARE fun to read.

Point is, is that you don't have to like manga or anime to read a light novel. In fact, you can hate both and love light novels.

Light Novels can and I believe WILL become the most widely sold item in the US from Japan. When will this happen? I have no idea, but eventually, at some point, I believe it will. It will just take the right person or company with the vision to do it. ^_^

Sorry, when you said that light novels need to get on a TV talk show like Opura or something, I was like "...huh?" o_o;; REALLY have given up on English literature, haven't you? T_T (I sincerely truly weep for you)(that, or I'm mentally unstable right now . My arguments still stands though )
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