Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (movie & TV)
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Old 2013-01-01, 11:31   Link #1379
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Originally Posted by potchip View Post
need: tweezer
soak in warm water, when decal moves off the backing sheet, use the tweezer to position the decal on where it needs to go (you can for example, position the decal together with the backing paper right on the spot, then use the tweezer to hold decal whilst removing the backing paper below.)

Once positioned, absorb excess water with cotton bud (I tend to use a semi-wet one to avoid accidental stickiness)

Originally Posted by potchip View Post
need: tweezer
Q: Ep3 seems to suggest Gamillions live in a particular type of atmospheric composition. But ep10s enemy pilot seems to be able to survive in human air just fine without any equipment? So the terra forming is just an optional extra?
Gamilasforming is the term there. If you're refering to the scene in episode 3 where Analyzer analizes XD the floating continent atmosphere, most of the data he gives is actually Jupiter's atmosphere. As you may notice, although they bend it a bit, the atmosphere in those scenes is either liquid or dense gas, the continent is actually "submerged" in it. Notice the dragg the Gamilas (Garmillas?) ships produce.

As for the purpose of Gamilasforming, they might breathe a close enough mix of gases to our own to allow them to survive in it without aid. Remember, we've seen Gamilas, Zalts and Jirell people in the same environment. Guessing the Gamilas go after people with similar requirements as having specific conditions for every race they conquer wouldn't be very efficient. The plants in the continent and Earth may serve to spread certain elements required by them for other needs than breathing, food for example.

Though in the original Dessler could breath in the toxic radioactive cloud he spread in the Yamato. Maybe their pulmonary systems are more versatile than ours. Maybe Dr. Sado's examination of Melda will shed some light on all this. When we get the subtitles, that is.
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